Who we are
Welcome to the Club
Sign UpMission Statement
We are a community-oriented club that is trying to make a difference for our families and keiki. We strive to provide the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than yourself, which includes the opportunity to work together with your other community members.
Practice Schedule
Crew | Days | Time |
Wahine (Women) | Mon, Wed, & Fri | 5:00 pm |
Kane (Men) | Mon, Wed, & Fri | 5:00 pm |
Keiki (Kids) | Tues & Thurs, starting Apr. 8 | 3:30 pm |
Mixed (Men & Women) | Fri | 5:00 pm |
What is paddling all about?
According to Coach Leggs and Coach Boy, paddling is truly about something deeper than it seems. While most people would simply think of paddling as a competitive sport or hobby, they feel it is a connection to their ancestors and a way of life. If you apply the mindset you have in the canoe - the connectedness and cooperation - to the world, you will be able to interact with others on a higher level.
Club History
It was founded in the summer of 2005 by several prominent Anahola community members. It was originally created for the kids to help prevent suicide and help them to get into the right mindset.
Hokualele : Shooting Star
The name Hokualele also comes from a mountain in the Anahola area
Our Canoes
Our main race canoe, Ka'ohuokalani, came from Coach Leggs' grand-aunty Adeline Mahuiki Ogawa. She took care of the canoe maker, Sonny Bradley, when he was a keiki.
Keiki Paddling
During the school season, we have a portion of our club schedule and resources dedicated specifically for school-age keiki. They participate in competitions with the school teams and other paddling clubs. It's always fun for the keiki to get to hang out with their friends and build teamwork skills. If you wish to sign a keiki up for the upcoming season, please contact one of our coaches or board members.
Thank you to our sponsors!